The office is located at 4 Automatic Rd, Unit 105, in Brampton, the nearest intersection is Williams Parkway and Airport Rd. Driving east on Williams Parkway from Airport Rd., take the first left into Automatic Rd. Driving west on Williams Parkway turn right into Automatic Rd., off Williams Parkway. Take the second entrance on the left into 4 Automatic Rd., and drive around to the back of the building where you will find office # 105. Our clinic is at the back of building opposite the car wash. Come in the front door of 105 and turn right and you will come into our waiting room. Our office is on the ground floor so you do not have to go up any steps to get to the office. We do not have a receptionist so when you come in, please take wet boots off and make yourself comfortable in the waiting room and your therapist will come and find you there.